To Smurf or Not to Smurf: That is the Question

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Should you “smurf” or should you play League of Legends legitimately? People “smurf” when top players log in to an account not their own or a new account in order to make short work of their MMR opponents in ranked matches of the same new account level.

They’re called “Boosters”. The ones availing of their Lol smurf servicesthe “Boosties”—are typically novice players who wish to get high-level accounts or experienced players who want to pay top players to do the level grinding busywork of MMR for them.

Watch Out for Bans Though

  • Kind of Illegal: Avail of the best smurfing and Elo or MMR boosting services you can get because those allow for payment of such services on the down-low. Why? Smurfing and boosting kind of (or more like outright) breaks League of Legends’ Terms of Service. Proceed with caution when availing of smurf services.
  • The Intent is to Boost MMR: When a player has someone else boost their MMR or pay for an account with a high MMR, the intent is always boosting the MMR. Many League players find MMR or ranked games rather tedious to play at lower levels and the really fun games involve players playing with a stacked deck or a fully leveled up account.
  • Eligible for Punishment: The makers or developers of LoL—Riot Games—frown upon shenanigans involving Elo boosting or buying accounts you haven’t built yourself from the ground up. You may have your IP or server banned from playing League, thus requiring you to change providers just to play it again.
  • What is Considered Boosting? Buying LoL accounts made by others is considered boosting or it was boosted by someone else only for you to suddenly own its login credentials. Ditto when it comes to you making anLoL account and having someone not the original creator boosting it. It’s almost safer to have a friend or cousin play your account at your computer!
  • Why Is Elo Boosting and Smurfing Bad? Well, more Elo boosting with the intent of paying someone to do MMR ranked matches for you is bad but most experienced players can smurf all they want. A top player can make a new account and easily dispatch newbies without breaking ToS. He only breaks ToS if he sells that account to someone else.
  • Why Does Boosting and Smurfing to Sell Bad? Although it sounds like a victimless crime, it’s frowned upon by the player base and the makers of the game as not following how the game is played. If all people played this way, it encourages a toxic environment of “pay for play”.
  • Riot Games Will Ban You If You Get Caught: Riot frowns upon top players manipulating the system that way for their own profit. You will get banned when caught and if you’re not careful when changing IPs or providers, you will get banned again for evading your ban. It might take a while for you to regain permission or find a new provider to play again (anonymously).

Get a Service That Covers Its Tracks: You can avoid getting caught and banned by availing of a smurfing for boosting system that is careful when it comes to evading IP detection software and suspicious activity that could lead to a ban.

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