Accessories have always been a part of every culture and tradition around the world. From intricately designed tribal necklaces to precious diamond-studded pieces, every ornament has a distinctive significance and story behind it. One such accessory that has gained popularity worldwide owing to its unique history and mesmerizing beauty is the ogham necklace. Stylish and versatile, these necklaces are not only fashionable but also hold a special place in Celtic folklore. In this blog, we shall understand the magic of Ogham Necklaces, how they are made, what they symbolize and much more.
The Ogham Necklace is a piece of jewelry that has a connection to ancient Irish literature. Ogham itself is an ancient Irish alphabet that was used primarily to write in the Irish language. While crafting Ogham necklaces, different symbols are marked on the piece and each symbol has a profound meaning that stems from Irish mythology and folklore. The symbols depicted on the Ogham necklaces are also used as codes to pass secret messages, even today.
Ogham necklaces are mostly made of sterling silver, gold, and other precious metals. The pendant of the necklace is typically a vertical bar with Ogham letters engraved on it. As the pendants are thin and long, many Ogham necklaces come with extra that includes different designs like Celtic knots and animal symbols, which add to its overall beauty.
The popular symbols featured on Ogham necklaces are the Tree Ogham, where each symbol represents a specific tree and its association with Celtic or Irish mythology. Moreover, the Birds Ogham is used to symbolize protection and wisdom; whereas, the Animal Ogham is known to be a powerful symbol of strength and protection.
Ogham necklaces are also known for their spiritual and healing properties. Among the healing symbols engraved on the necklace, some of the popular ones include the Anam Cara symbol which means ‘soul friend’ and indicates the unity and connection between two individuals. The Triskele symbol which is three spirals interlocked, depicts the three elements of life – physical, spiritual and mental elements and the beauty of life. Other symbols popular among the Ogham necklaces include the Claddagh symbol, which stands for love, friendship, and loyalty, and so much more.
In conclusion, the Ogham necklace is not only a beautiful piece of accessory but is also a symbol of treasured history and tradition. It represents the culture and folklore of Ireland and holds a special place in the hearts of people worldwide. Moreover, the Ogham necklace’s healing and spiritual properties add an allure to this accessory that makes it even more special. So, the next time you come across an Ogham necklace, don’t just view it as a fashion accessory, but understand its symbolism and significance, and embrace the magic of the Ogham necklace.